Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 7 9 Blog Exercise - Visual Thinking

(these titles are getting confusing)

So we picked two visual puzzles and for this experiment, I borrowed my friend at Cal Poly, because a left-brainer might use different tactics than I would.

First we counted E's

I solved this visually by color coding the sizes of the letters I was looking for, that way I didn't lose track of the count:

My Mechanical Engineering Major talked me through his process:

Overall, he and I came to the same conclusion although we used different methods to do the same thing. The ME Major acknowledged that he'd need find the E's at various angles and marked them based on the knowledge of how many there were in a set. I used colors. Because I need the visual reference to help me quickly identify the shapes.

For the second, I chose the hidden star:

To solve this problem I used the use of recognizable traits of the shape to find the star. In particular, I looked for points and eventually found one that lead to the star:

trust me, I'm a professional

The discussion on how to solve the star problem was somewhat short on my test subject's end:

So I can't really prove how I solved his end but it wasn't as visual as my strategy.

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