Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 10 Tone and Color

How Tone is Operating

For today's topic, I have a page from DC's Hawkeye: Little Hits. Here we can see a use of tone and color to convey meaning and message. The page shows this comic's use of a more desaturated palette conveys the "mundane" view the main character, Clint, has of his life as an Avenger. The desaturated tone invokes similar lighting from fluorescent lights of a mundane office setting and keeps a somewhat desperate mood.

How Tone is Interacting
In this particular panel, the desaturated tone works to further the mundane but also the minimalist shape of the comic. In conjunction with tone, the panel shape adds to the minimalist look. (the use of line is similar, in that there are bold lines outlining the objects in each scene and they rarely vary in width as to limit the amount of complexity in the shading or art.)

How Color is Operating
What color is used in this mostly desaturated comic page is used to identify characters and draw to certain objects, distinguishing characters from background. There is little to no shading and variation in the colors used- most shading is done through line- and the brightest colors are indicative of character's signature colors or "explosions."

How Color is Interacting
Color also contributes to the overall minimalistic look of the comic. In this case in particular, the lack of color works to the comic's advantage. The use of color in conjunction with line creates shading for the comic panels. While there is very little increased lines on a panel of color, creates shading in the shapes of the characters and also allows for texture on the buildings.

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