Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 15 Visual Techniques

Active Techniques: symmetry, complexity, intricacy, flatness, activeness, 

Active Techniques: simplicity, flatness, asymmetry, boldness, unity, economy, stasis

While both of these are indie film posters, they share many visual techniques to convey their messages as well as some distinctly opposite techniques. Together the posters both use flatness to make the key images or shapes pop in the overall poster. With "Beautiful Losers" the flatness is used to draw attention to the outline of the butterfly. The flatness in the "Juno" poster is used to give the image a more "quirky" feel, with the patterned orange and white stripes. The first poster makes use of a few techniques that are very opposite of the other poster. While the first is intricate in design with a large butterfly filled with characters and scenes from the movie, emphasizing the complexity of the story and character while the other poster makes use of simplicity to show the more simplistic nature of both the story and the characters Juno. Similarly the use of symmetry in the Beautiful Losers poster gives the image a sense of grandness and depth that can be associated with the movie. For the Juno poster the use of asymmetry as well as the use of unity in the characters shows a wacky film about put-upon characters. Overall the design of the first poster is to emphasize many people dealing with a large story and conveys a feeling of chaos and grandness, this is done through complexity and activeness and intricacy. On the contrary, the Juno poster's simpler design shows the story of a quirky look at one small story about a handful of people and their lives through simplicity and asymmetry and stasis. 

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